In the beginning, God ...
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Everything that we know or experience is because of God. History is GODstory.
Human vanity is apparent. Too often, like the evil one, we think and act as if it is "all about us." It is not. We are an important part of God's story, but it is NOT all about us. History is Godstory. It is ALL about God.
Welcome to Godstory. We are followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We are in Godstory, being delivered from the power of darkness and walking in His dear Son's kingdom (Col. 1:13). By the grace of God we strive to be pleasing to God and witness of His truths to a world that is being deceived by the enemy. Our age is one of great deception; the world is largely being controlled and manipulated by lies. The devil is the father of lies. (John 8:44).
GODSTORY is a resource website that seeks to encourage followers of Jesus to enjoy the abundant life Jesus Christ has given them NOW, to walk in the kingdom of God that is within them and to help them understand WHEN they are in God's Story now.

In this Season we must be girded with TRUTH.
The Satan, having been loosed from his prison (Rev. 20:7-8), has gone out to deceive the nations. He is working to gather them together (a united world) to war against God. Of course, he will not succeed (Rev. 20:9-10), but he was first self-deceived before he became the great deceiver (2 Tim. 3:13).
The way to avoid being deceived is to continue to seek the Truth. Jesus Christ (and His Word) is TRUTH.
A Conflict of Kingdoms
As children of God, we live in the kingdom of light; Jesus Christ is our LIGHT and the light of the world (John 1:4-5). There is darkness about us, but just as the ancient people of God, we have light in our dwellings (Ex. 10:21-23). All praise be to God! He is Light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).
Our struggle is not with other people, it is with evil entities or beings that are in the spiritual realm. (Eph. 6:10-13)
For Example:
- The Kingdom of God vs the kingdom of the Satan
- A kingdom of good vs a kingdom of evil
- A kingdom or light vs a kingdom of darkness
- A kingdom of truth vs a kingdom of lies
God ALWAYS Keeps His Promises
Be patient, child of God and ENJOY the kingdom of God that is within you (Luke 17:20-21). Let LOVE be the attribute (John 13:35) that comes forth from you by the Holy Spirit He has given us (Romans 5:5). Stand fast. Be faithful. Don't love the world or the things that are in the world (1 John 2:15-17).
God will utterly consume the enemy and his armies (Rev. 20:9-10). A new heaven, new earth, and new heavenly Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1-4) awaits us!
Jesus ALWAYS Keeps His Promises
Since Jesus is God, He keeps His promises. Before He ascended into heaven, He promised to return within the generation in which He lived. We believe that He did. (Rev. 21:1-4 & Matt. 16:24-28 & Matt. 23:34-37 & Matt. 24:29-35)
Human vanity is apparent (Eccl. 1:2) (Eccl. 12:13). Too often, like the evil one (Isa. 14:12-14), we think and act as if it is "all about us." It is not. We are an important part of God's story, but it is NOT all about us. History is Godstory. It is ALL about God. (Rev. 4:11)