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It's God's Story

Godstory is a play upon the word "history."
This website asserts is truth claims based upon what is taught in the Bible, which we believe to be God's written Word.
Its Godstory! God is ETERNAL. He has neither a beginning, nor an end. God EXISTS outside of time. Time is one of the constructs of the dimension in which we live.
God REVEALED himself to the people that He chose as the I AM. God dwells in the eternal present.
Therefore, the most important aspect of the story of God is the PRESENT.
We cannot be absolutely sure about things that are in the PAST. "History" is written by those that were the victors in conflicts or wars and is continually being re-written by those that are presently in control.
Most followers of Jesus are captivated by the story of God in the FUTURE. Some things we can be absolutely sure of and will find the entire body of followers of Jesus Christ to agree upon. However, we will also find more disagreement upon the subject of the story of God in the future than upon anything else that is written in the Word of God.
The story of God in the future is referred to as eschatology in the study of bibliology.
The Story of God in the Present
The only guarantee for you is NOW.
Live in the NOW! God created you in His image and He is the "I AM". You were created to live NOW. Don't become too burdened by the past or anxious about the future. LIVE NOW!
- If you have decided to follow Jesus, you are NOW a child of God. (1 John 3:2)
- Don't worry about tomorrow. Live TODAY. (Matt. 6:24-34)
It has been wisely stated: "Yesterday is a cancelled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is ready cash - spend it wisely."
The Story of God in the Past
Following is a short list of things to consider about THE PAST as we consider TIME.
- God has always been. (Isa. 57:15)
- He created everything. (Neh. 9:6)
- He chose the nation of Israel to represent Him among the idolatrous nations. (Gen. 12:2-3; Deut. 7:6-10; Psa. 135:4)
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The Story of God in the Future
When we try and discover what is in our future, what we believe is shaped by what we instructed to believe about the future as it is REVEALED in the Word of God.
- The return of Christ (John 14:1-3)
- The tribulation (Matt. 24:21-22)
- The millennium (Rev. 20:1-7)
- The judgments (Rev. 20:12-15)
- The new heaven and earth (Rev. 21:1-3)
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