The Greatest Story Ever Told!

The Greatest Story Ever Told is the story of the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ!
The Good News from God to You
If you will turn from your sins and call upon Him, He will deliver you.
Why Do You Need to Be Delivered?
1) It is not possible for you to please God without Jesus' deliverance.
God created man in His own image. We are each free moral agents. The image of God is in every human being. We share attributes (characteristics) with our Creator. To be made in God's image means when someone sees us, anything that is good about us is a reflection of our Maker.
Adam and Eve, the first pair that God made in this creation story failed by disobeying God. This resulted in every human being that came from them sharing God's image as well. Unfortunately, the image of God that was passed down from them (Adam & Eve) to every other human being was born in a condition of separation from God.
We still retain a human spirit, but it is not quickened by the Spirit of God at physical conception or birth. Each one of us are born alive physically, but our human spirit that would have been 100% good by default has been corrupted. In fact, it is NOT born at the same time as we are physically.
That is why Jesus told Nicodemus, you MUST be born again.