His Calendar

His Calendar

Hebrew History

God's plan required that He set apart a family of human beings that He could reveal Himself to; that would represent Him upon the earth; and would provide Him with a special people that He could bring a perfect deliverer through.

His choice as a man called Abram, whose name He later changed to Abraham.

The Last Days

What is going to happen in "The Last Days"?  This is a common and often captivating question.  

  • What does the Bible say about "the last days"?
  • What does "the last days" mean?

One can organize what Christians believe about the last days primarily around the subject of what is called the millennium.

It's GodStory SPONSORS

GODSTORY is a resource website that seeks to encourage followers of Jesus to enjoy the abundant life Jesus Christ has given them NOW, to walk in the kingdom of God that is within them and to help them understand WHEN they are in God's Story now.

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