The Last Days

Eschatology - the study of last things.

In the grand scheme of things, your view of eschatology doesn't matter so much!  What a follower of Jesus believes about the end times is NOT so important.  Believing that Jesus Christ is God's only provision for forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life is what matters.

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The Last Days

What is going to happen in "The Last Days"?  This is a common and often captivating question.  

  • What does the Bible say about "the last days"?
  • What does "the last days" mean?

One can organize what Christians believe about the last days primarily around the subject of what is called the millennium.

These views have become popularized beginning in the 18th century.

The differing views are as follows:

  1. Amillennialism (no physical millennium)
  2. Postmillennialism (the millennium after Christ's return)
  3. Premillennialism (millennium)



Amillennialism is a Christian belief that there will not be a millennial reign of Jesus on EarthIt's a position that contrasts with premillennialism and postmillennialism. 

  • Amillennialists believe that the "thousand years" in Revelation 20 refers to the current age of the church. 
  • They believe that Christ is currently reigning through the church. 
  • They believe that the church age began at Christ's resurrection and will continue until his Second Coming. 
  • They believe that Christ's victory over sin and Satan was definitive. 
  • They believe that we are currently in the end times and will continue to suffer with Christ until he returns. 


Postmillennialism is a Christian belief that Jesus will return after a period of peace and prosperity called the Millennium. The term "postmillennial" comes from the words "post" (after) and "millennial" (1,000). 

Beliefs of postmillennialists: 
  • The current age is the kingdom of God
  • The Church will mediate Christ's return to Eden
  • The gospel will be preached, leading to the conversion of most people
  • The world will gradually become Christianized
  • The second coming of Christ will occur after the Millennium
History of postmillennialism
  • Postmillennialism was first taught in the 17th century 
  • Some theological leaders who held this view include John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Hodge 
Interpretations of the Bible 
  • Postmillennialists often interpret passages like Matthew 24 as already fulfilled
  • Some say that postmillennialism interprets Bible prophecy subjectively
  • Others say that a normal interpretation of Scripture rejects postmillennialism


Premillennialism is a Christian belief that Jesus will return to Earth before a thousand-year period of peace, called the Millennium.

Types of premillennialism

  • Historic premillennialism: This view is similar to the premillennialism of ancient times, known as chiliasm.
  • Dispensational premillennialism: This is another type of premillennialism.

Three Divisions of Premillennialists

  • Premillennial, Pre-tribulation Rapture
  • Premillennial, Mid-tribulation Rapture
  • Premillennial, Post-tribulation Rapture

The Most Prevalent, Contemporary View

  • A pre-tribulation rapture of the church followed by a literal 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth
  • Timeline:
    1. Rapture of Church - still future
    2. Judgment Seat of Christ (for Christians only) - still future
    3. Seven Years of Tribulation on earth - still future
    4. 1,000 Years of Christ's reign on earth - still future
    5. Loosing of Satan from prison for short season - still future
    6. Satan deceives the nations - still future
    7. Battle of God and Magog - still future
    8. Great White Throne Judgment (for unbelievers only) - still future
    9. New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem - still future

The Newest Contemporary View

Little Season Eschatology

  • Popularized in the 21st Century
  • Timeline:
    1. Rapture of Church - completed
    2. Judgment Seat of Christ (for Christians only) - completed
    3. Seven Years of Tribulation on earth - completed
    4. 1,000 Years of Christ's reign on earth - completed
    5. Loosing of Satan from prison for short season - completed
    6. Satan deceives the nations - in process now
    7. Battle of God and Magog - still future
    8. Great White Throne Judgment (for unbelievers only) - still future
    9. New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem - still future
  • Learn More About Little Season Eschatology

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